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Quality assurance for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning - Part 2


Certificate of Participation and a Course Completion Badge

Dear [First Name]

Congratulations on reaching the end of the QA4ODFL 2 course.

Knowledge tests

You are now in a position to earn a course participation certificate or a course completion badge by completing the Summative Quiz. The unit activities and assignment at the end of each unit are preparations for the Summative Quiz at the end of this course. You can review the assignment questions for each unit before you complete the Summative Quiz. When you are ready you will find links to the Summative Quizon the Learning Quiz page.

Summative assessment

If you get at least 50% in the Summative Quiz, you will get a Course Participation Certificate. If you get at least 70% in the Summative Quiz, you will earn a Course Completion Badge.

Don’t worry if you have fallen a bit behind. The course materials will remain open so you can complete the submissions to earn either a certificate or a badge.

When you have completed the Quiz, please take a moment to complete the course exit survey.

Good luck!

Best wishes
Your QA4ODFL2 Facilitation team.

QA4ODFL2 course site
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