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Dear [First Name]

Welcome to Session 3: Creating Digital Accessibility Culture

In this session we’ll introduce you to the elements of an organization that need to be fostered in order for accessibility culture to grow. These include: understanding the current accessibility status of an organization, and the gaps to be filled; understanding what accessibility knowledge is needed across roles in the organization, and the training to be developed and delivered; understanding the strategies and solutions for advancing accessibility culture; and the big one, understanding how to manage change.

In any organization with more than a few people, you will likely encounter resistance from some who perhaps do not understand the benefits of accessibility, or are just resistant to change because they like the way things are. This session's activity expands on the elevator pitch activity, and will help you develop well thought out responses to help counter various arguments against change when you encounter them.

This session's tasks:

Best wishes

IT Accessibility Specialist, Ryerson University
Lead Course Developer


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