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Dear [First Name]

Welcome to Session 2: Setup to Take the Course

This session is focused on setting up your development environment for the course. You will be working with GitHub, where you will fork the Course jQuery Plugin Files into your own GitHub account, then clone those files from there into your local development environment where you will do your work. You will also be working with the ChromeVox Screen Reader, which you will use to test your work to ensure it functions as described in the demo video included with each of the widgets you will be working on in the coming sessions.

This session's tasks:

NOTE: If you are taking this course as self-guided learning, you will not need to submit assignments. If you are taking the course with an instructor moderating, follow the details in Activity 1: How to Submit Assignments, or refer to other instructions provided by your instructor. You'll still want to follow the Activity 1 instructions to get setup to complete the activities to follow in the course, for your own benefit.

Best wishes

IT Accessibility Specialist, Ryerson University
Lead Course Developer


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