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Dear [First Name]

Welcome to Session 5: Hiring Accessibility Staff

This session we’ll also look at employment, both in terms of providing accessible interview and hiring procedures , and in terms of hiring staff that understand accessibility as it applies to the roles they may fill. Much like procurement, if you have two comparable candidates, it is a good decision to hire the one that knows about accessibility

When we hire at The Chang School, there is always a question or two that tests a candidate's accessibility knowledge. Though for many roles candidates typically have little knowledge, those who do have it are at an advantage. If we do hire a person without accessibility knowledge (which is most of the time), it generally does not take too much to get them up to speed. For key accessibility roles, like an accessibility specialist or an accessible web/software developer, for instance, in those cases accessibility knowledge is required. In the activity this session, you will seek out potential job descriptions, and see what skills and knowledge are typically required for these roles.

This session's tasks:

Best wishes

IT Accessibility Specialist, Ryerson University
Lead Course Developer


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