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Qualifying institutions in the developing world can become an OERu Participating Partner for free!Dear [First Name]
Greetings from New Zealand. I would like to introduce you to the OER universitas (OERu), coordinated by the OER Foundation and our new Outreach Partnership Programme. We hope that your institution will consider joining the OERu network to share in the many benefits our non-profit collaboration has to offer your institution and the learners you serve.
The OERu is an international innovation partnership of like-minded institutions, committed to widening access to more affordable higher education using Open Educational Resources (OERs). The implementation of the OERu is also a designated project of the UNESCO global OER Chair network, through New Zealand’s UNESCO and International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Chair in OER.
The OERu is ‘open source’ - this means that all our learning materials, and the software tools used to publish them for learners, are openly licensed and freely available for all to use. Our approach is, therefore, a more sustainable alternative to the proprietary MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) providers like Coursera, or FutureLearn. Our network of accredited institutions assembles university-level, open online courses based solely on Open Educational Resources (OER), so that students can access these learning opportunities for free.
As an Outreach Partner, you will benefit from unrestricted access to all our open online courses, to support your students. In addition, the OERu will also provide free hosting for these courses, using our global open source computing infrastructure.
The OERu international network recognises the value of non-financial contributions from universities and vocational education institutions in the developing world. We believe that most educators share our aims of widening access to educational opportunities for learners who face financial barriers to study, or for whom conventional higher education is out of reach.
We extend a formal invitation to your institution to join the OERu Outreach Partnership Programme for free. Please consult or share the following link with appropriate staff member(s) at your institution to review the proposal. The link summarises this outreach partnership, and provides readers with the option to sign up for more information in the event you are interested in pursuing this opportunity as one of the OERu’s international partners:
Link: https://oer.nz/outreach
The OERu recognises the value your institution can add to our collaboration through South-North knowledge-sharing, and we look forward to continuing the conversation.
Thank you for your consideration.
With kind regards
Wayne Mackintosh (PhD) Director, OER Foundation UNESCO / ICDE Chair in OER. Email: wayne@oerfoundation.org
About OERuSee how the OERu works and find out about the many benefits that partners enjoy as they open new doors to higher education. You can explore the OERu’s history, from when it was founded in 2011 up to the present, by visiting our dynamic timeline. The OERu is establishing a leadership role in transnational micro-credentialling, with pathways to achieving academic credit towards university qualifications. |
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How OERu works |

Partner benefits |
Global Sharing, Affordable Learning
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