| Dear [First Name]
Thank you for your interest and participation during Planning a business start-up. We trust that you were able to develop a few new skills in choosing an appropriate legal form for a start-up, identifying sources for professional advice and preparing a business plan.
We notice that a few participants are still working through the closing sessions of the course and that's fine. True to our open philosophy at the OERu, the course materials will remain open and accessible.Course evaluationIf you haven't done so yet, please take a few minutes to complete the online course evaluation, even if you only worked through one or two sessions. Consider your time to complete the evaluation form as a donation for this free learning opportunity.
We rely on your feedback to help us improve our courses in achieving our charitable mission to widen access to free learning opportunities for all students worldwide.Next courseThe next free micro-course in the IENT series is Financing a business start-up (IENT103).
Enrol today to ensure you receive email instructions. Registered IENT101 learners just need to visit the course site and login with your OERu password at: https://course.oeru.org/ient103/. Click on your username link and then the "Enrol" button to register for the course. Alternatively, you can register your interest and begin right away. Thanks and goodbye for nowWe have a bold mission at the OERu to widen access to more affordable education for the estimated 100 million learners who will not have the privilege of a tertiary education. Your participation and contributions during this micro-course have provided valuable peer learning support for our learning community. Thank you for your positive contributions and sharing the gift of knowledge.
We look forward to welcoming you online again during any of the OERu courses in the future.
With kind regards
Wayne Mackintosh UNESCO & ICDE Chair in OER Director of the OER Foundation.Recommended micro-courses for youFor learners pursuing a business qualification, you will find a list of courses and launch schedule for the Certificate Higher Education Business on the OERu website.
Please note that if you want to receive email instructions for your next OERu micro-course, you must register on the specific course site. If you already have an account on the oeru.org.site, you can use your existing username to log in and enrol for your next course.
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Financing a Business Start-up |
Introduction to Project Management |
Global Sharing, Affordable Learning
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